Friday, May 13, 2011

The Merits of Blogging For Your Business

This is our first official blog for Husna Ali Design. It took us a while to get here, but we're really thrilled to be finally contributing our thoughts and ideas in such a great interactive forum. From time to time, we are asked by clients and friends about the merits of blogging. Therefore, if you are wondering why should I blog? you may want to read on and get our perspective on this.

As of this post, according to , there are currently 161,754,549 blogs worldwide and 62,814 new blogs posted in the last 24 hours. That's staggering. There are many free blog creation sites out there, including Blogger, Wordpress and Joomla. Blogging is incredibly popular right now, and it doesn't look like the trend will die out any time soon.

For individuals who blog for personal interest, blogging offers a forum to express one's opinion on a topic, share information or knowledge, or just plain "rant or rave". The blogger usually has an affinity to offering his or her opinions and thoughts via the keyboard and tends to enjoy expressing themselves in writing. Blogging seems to satisfy a need to be out there in the public domain and have one's opinions expressed, much like being in the center of a town hall standing on a soap-box. 

Dylan Fields, a movie blogger since 2006 who created is in the process of launching his second blog, .  He offered these thoughts about what inspires people to blog: "People just want an outlet for their opinions to be heard, and to have the opportunity to get their voice out to other potentially like-minded individuals.  They seek validation for their thoughts and their abilities to put their thoughts on paper (or in the ether, as it were), and blogging is a free and easy way to do so."

So, if you are wondering if you should blog, perhaps the question you should first be asking yourself is "do I have opinions about topics or information in general I would like to share?"

Businesses and organizations would do well to blog, for the purely online marketing presence this forum offers. Aside from the SEO and organic benefits blogging derives, it has the potential to be a great PR tool, providing new and existing clients with an open house-like environment to learn a bit more about the organization, on a less formal level. Topics need not be newsworthy on a blog, could be one paragraph in length, need not have fresh postings every week if desired, and much like Facebook, can work like an online advertisement to promote a product or service. The most favorable aspect of all for blogging is it's high benefit to low cost ratio, which is very attractive to any marketing budget.

Coming back full-circle, we ourselves will use this blog forum as a way to show our appreciation to current and past clients, and to "pass it forward" in hopefully offering helpful tips and suggestions regarding design and marketing issues. So quite basically, it is to share and disseminate information and ideas we have found useful over the years.

And so, until our next blog post, I wish you a very happy blogging.

For other questions about blogging, marketing, design or advertising, or if you are interested in contacting Husna Ali Design for a free consultation regarding your next project, please send us 
an email.